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The best software for 3D Modelling

How AR & VR is Reshaping Our Industries?

AR, VR, Technology, industrial application

AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality) is rewriting the meaning of visual communication. It is now possible that we can create our own reality out of our current environment with the help of the mobile phone, camera, smart glass, and VR headsets, which takes us to the virtually created environment where we can move around our self. 

With such unreal, impactful technology, visual communication is finding new possibilities and much more precise experience to every sector it enters. We are going to deep dive into some of how AR/VR will change the way industries are reshaping the near future.

1. AR & VR in the Workplace.

Workplaces are already changing with technologies and new tools. VR and AR are playing a significant role in reshaping the workplace of the future. Soon, VR headsets are going to replace our work desk and will shift the way teams learn, interact, and communicate with customers in ways never thought possible. The idea of accessing real-time data will change the way we work, communicate and it will reduce the time cost of organization in every aspect.

AR and VR, AR and VR in Workplace, Technology

  • Meetings: VR/AR will change the way a meeting is conducted. we know video conferencing is essential for a large organization, in which we need to communicate with people from different places. It can help provide more context and information to a meeting that might not previously have been there. It doesn’t matter whether you need to immediately share a 3D model or a contract with employees thousands of miles away; augmented reality can make this happen quicker and more efficiently than ever, which will lead to increased productivity. 

  • Training: There are plenty of jobs and situations that require a user manual. Augmented reality allows for digital information to be superimposed on the real world and provide a new perspective and context to training. It’s also a great way to make sure that new employees are completely engaged in the training process. 

  • Designing: We can virtually create designs of anything and examine in realtime and can collaborate with the team to make the design precise and efficient. in such a way that industries are becoming more productive through this visual communication.

2. AR and VR in Education

Several studies have shown that people who learn and train in VR retain the information much more deeply and for longer periods than those who simply use books and videos and other traditional methods.

With augmented reality, students can learn, inspect examine a realtime situation, project or models in such a way that you are immersed in that real-time situation which helps us remember all the trainings and classes with a realtime experience.

3. "Virtual Showrooms" in E-commerce

E-commerce and retail industries already using AR for a better experience at both ends.  There are already companies that are utilizing AR to allow shoppers to “try out” their products. 

One obvious example is IKEA, a well-known multinational company that both designs and sells furniture. The IKEA app literally allows users to “place” furniture in their homes, using augmented reality, to find out whether furniture might be compatible with a certain room. In the e-commerce industry, people are already using clothing items and fashion material where you can virtually try the items and decide on colors, pattern design, and even the exact size can be taken precisely. Which makes shopping and retail industries new passibilities at both ends.

4. AR and VR in the Medical industry

VR and AR are unique in a way that they are immersive technologies. Unlike video, VR actually puts you in the realtime environment and AR puts digital things in your environment. It is interactive as well and mostly it is safe.

medical training simulation, AR and VR

Rather than training students in a realtime situation with the patient, we can create use-cases and the realtime situation in VR and AR to study the case more carefully and by avoiding risking someone's life. Here the medical industry is using AR and VR to study the human body, use cases and experiments and researches can be taken into the next level.  

5. A Virtual Reality tour in Realestate

Homebuyers will be able to immerse through VR and walk through a home anywhere in the world using VR goggle. And, within the view, they can also find data like nearby schools, shopping, interior, and exterior. Realtors can leave post-it notes within the virtual tour describing building materials, the year the home was built, measurements of the room. Any information a consumer may want as they take a virtual tour of their new home. This technology will unlock the opportunity for home shoppers relocating from across the world to visit a home without ever leaving the comfort of their existing home.


We all live in reality, but that reality is changing because of technology. Many companies are already developing VR/AR-related services, and the truth is that the global industry is only growing, expected to hit over $800 billion by 2025. It doesn’t matter whether we are speaking about the media/entertainment sector, the retail sector, education sector, or the tech sector – both VR and AR will be implemented more than ever in the coming years. - (


  1. This article eloquently captures the transformative potential of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies across various industries, ushering in a new era of immersive experiences and reshaping the way we interact with our surroundings. The piece skillfully outlines how these technologies are revolutionizing workplaces, education, e-commerce, medicine, and real estate, underlining their versatile impact on different sectors. To discuss more about visit Virtual Reality In Nursing Education


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